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If you're in college and struggling with a course that requires a good deal of math, you're not alone. Some math courses are really hard, and it's easy to fall behind or get frustrated when you can't grasp the material. In this article, we'll discuss some advice for overcoming math anxiety and succeeding at your college course! What causes the most anxiety is feeling like we don't understand something. That’s why it’s important to learn new material in manageable chunks of time; try not to bite off more than you can chew. The best way to study is to take frequent breaks. It's important to relax your mind with activities that are not related to the subject you're studying for. This will help your brain retain information during the session, because you’ll be able to remember more details about what you have studied. The following are three tips for remembering information: Break down notes into small topics and sub-topics so it takes up less space on each piece of paper. You should try putting the main ideas of each section in bulleted points or underlined sub-heads. If you’re struggling with a subject, sometimes the best way to learn is to teach it. Try explaining the information to a friend, or use an online teaching program or mobile app to explain it back to yourself. When preparing for a math test, try creating a study guide that includes all possible questions and answers. By going over this study guide you will be able to recall the information needed for your test! A lot of anxiety comes from being unsure if you know enough material. Make a practice test to determine if you’re prepared for the exam. This is a great way to gauge where you might need more help! Make sure to take these tips into account when studying for your next math exam! Come cover sheet posted by Ira see. cover sheet posted by Ira see.arquivos/6/6-Solucionario-De-Vectores-Y-Matrices-Matematica-Basica-2-Figueroa (0).pdf com/drive/folders/1Q3uFdiUa_cCx2-nzw_R2h4-mpcyQOyMch cfa1e77820